Level 38, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
(07) 3077 6745

Support TLC

Join the Cause

Take Action

  • Help get the word out on this silent crisis.  Multiple languages go extinct every year, and opening up a dialogue on a solution helps!
  • Make your voice heard!  Start a petition, set-up or host an event dedicated to the discussion of these nearly extinct languages, or simply promote the use of your language.
  • Convey to the public the importance of Indigenous languages and the profound need for language to maintain healthy communities.

Create or Join an Awareness Event

Is your community working to raise awareness through public events? If so, get involved in their efforts. If not, you can work to create your own events.

Write or Visit Your Representative

Having the support of government officials is a huge benefit to the fight for Indigenous languages. Take a moment to write to your representatives or stop by their local offices.

Promote Language in Your Community

The best way to raise awareness is often by word of mouth. Take the time to inform other members of your community about the language-loss crisis and the efforts to save Indigenous languages.

Be a Part of a Petition Drive

Petitions are a great way to increase online awareness. They are also useful tools in gaining attention of the media.

Get Involved by Learning

Studying a language is a challenge, but it has many great rewards. To begin the process, choose a language at Ethnologue. Then do a web search for materials, language courses at universities, and study groups.

If there are not many options for your language, do not despair. Begin a self-study and join or form a group on social media. Once you start, stay committed to the process. The attention and interest you bring to the language will help others as well, and eventually bring more attention to the language.

Get Involved by Teaching

If you know an Indigenous language, then sharing your knowledge with others is one of the best ways to help the language survive. You can help lead a study group or online learning community, or even volunteer at a school or language programme. There are many potential opportunities, but starting and helping others is important to keep the language alive.

Become a Financial Activist

TLC has partnered with GoFundMe, one of the leading self-directed fundraising platforms. GoFundMe makes raising funds for The Language Conservancy fun and easy. You can run a marathon, volunteer in an Indigenous community, pledge your birthday or find other creative ways to raise money for The Language Conservancy.

Raise Funds in 3 Easy Steps

Create your Own Fundraiser

Create your online fundraiser and start accepting donations for The Language Conservancy.  The process is very easy, see how to here!

Go to the TLC GoFundMe Page

Ask for Donations

Email a link to your TLC fundraising page to all your friends, family, co-workers, and classmates. Message your friends through Facebook, Twitter, and everything else you can think of.

Be relentless. It’s okay to ask two or even three times. It’s for a really good cause.

Have Fun!

The idea is to make your online TLC fundraiser so fun that everyone you reach out to wants to give money and join your fundraising campaign.